The Resilience Unlimited Show

Ep. 7 Define Your Success

December 26, 2023 Coach Dr. Lauren Season 1 Episode 7

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In this episode, titled 'Define Your Success,' the host emphasizes the importance of taking control of one's definition of success. She shares her journey of realizing that external markers of success did not bring her happiness and fulfillment. The host discusses the power of making active choices and choosing joy, highlighting the role of meditation and gratitude in finding inner peace. She introduces her five success pillars: marriage, motherhood, relationships, health, and business. The episode concludes with tips for defining success, including getting quiet, discovering core values, and giving zero fucks about others' opinions.


Society often dictates what success looks like, but defining your own version of success is essential.
Happiness is a choice; active choices can lead to inner peace and fulfillment.
Success can be measured in various aspects of life, such as relationships, health, and personal growth.
To define success, get quiet, discover your core values, and compete with yourself rather than compare to others.
Nurture all aspects of your success and make conscious efforts to prioritize and maintain them.


00:00 Introduction and the Importance of Defining Success
03:23 Personal Story: Shifting Perspective on Success
07:11 Choosing Happiness and Making Active Choices
09:05 The Power of Meditation and Gratitude
11:02 Success Pillars: Marriage, Motherhood, Relationships, Health, and Business
12:28 Guiding Others to Define Success
13:24 Tips for Defining Success: Getting Quiet and Discovering Core Values
16:14 Giving Zero Fucks and Competing with Yourself
18:13 Minding Your Success and Nurturing All Aspects
20:01 Closing Remarks and Call to Action

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